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Re: Chiropractors
><< The treatment is wierd, the statement is the truth. >>
>Interesting. I've known and dealt with a great many chiropractors in the
>past two decades, and have talked with them a great deal about philosophy,
>how they relate to traditional medicine, etc.--and not once have I EVER
>one talk about ear infections...
My chiropractor and I have actually *joked* about this kind of thing.
She's pretty down-to-earth and I'm an anal-retentive medical person. It
was pretty amusing to us.
We've also joked about the day I went with a friend to her chiropractor and
watched (with my eyes bugging out of my head) him dip his fingers in some
powder, wave his hand over this copper ball on a stick (the size of an
orange) and then run his hands up and down her back (without ever touching
her.) He then told her about some "hot" spots and charged her $30 for a
"manipulation and massage". I could hardly contain myself while sitting
and watching this...and nearly exploded when we got out of the building!!
"The dude's a QUACK...whatthehell was he doing in there? There was *no*
manipulation. You just paid him for a bunch of voodoo medicine.
Yikes..."...and so on. She listened to me (being my best friend and all
;-)) and promptly went out and found a different guy. Amazingly enough,
her problems went away after about 2 sessions with the new guy...the other
guy had been having her come in a couple times a week for a couple of weeks
Oh yes...there are some strange practices out there. Healing strep throat
being one of the more mundane ones. <g>
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
ARICP Certified Riding Instructor
Recreational Riding II, Dressage I
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