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Re: Re: RC Three important questions to think about
Sheila <tondi313@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Hey, I heard about a very experienced and popular vet
>from the Pacific side asking riders at a pre-ride
>meeting three important questions to think about. The
>answers were given at the Saturday night awards
>banquet. The questions were:
>1. What do you do when/or if you get your horse out
>of his trailer at a ride and you see hard feces coated
>with mucus?
>2. When/or if your overtired gelding collapses and
>falls off the trail, do you treat him with bute or
>Banamine without a vets opinion?
>3. When help gets to your injured, fallen off the
>side of the trail horse, do you tell him that you have
>given any medications?
>Think about it. Important stuff to know. Shall we
>discuss it?
IMHO, I'd think to not administer bute or banamine at all, just the IV for
getting fluid in --- and hopefully, would have my head on straight enough to
not have started the ride at all.
I wasn't anywhere near where the three questions were asked (so, no benefit
of knowing the vet's answers :-) ), but first and foremost, if my mare
stepped out of the trailer eliminating dry, mucus coated manure, than I'd
say, "Whoa, she's dehydrated --- guess I volunteer tomorrow". For me, that
one sign of dehydration is enough to pull --- call me conservative, but I'm
not much for gambling. I keep a hefty distance from Las Vegas :-).
If I hadn't thought this through to well (with my mind on other things) and
actually started the next day *rather* than letting the old girl rest and
rehydrate, then when she fell off the cliff, by gosh, the _last_ thing I'd
want to do is give her bute or banamine without a vet's blessing. Both
medications are hard on the renal system when the animal is dehydrated.
Yes, the old girl would not be comfortable at all with the pain, but at
least the final outcome would look brighter in the end. I'd hate myself if
I had to keep her at a vet hospital for _more_ than the injuries she
acquired through a fall.
And finally, if I was asked if she was medicated (Question #3) and had
administered bute or banamine, of course I would let the vet know asap.
That's just common sense, yes?
Well, a call for discussion was asked --- flame if you must :-). Would
REALLY like to hear a vet's input on this, if lurking :->.
Kim (and the QH-mutt mare, Lee)
Lubbock, TX
(Rain??? What's that???)
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