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Re: RC: Re: Re: Training ride today
Abby Bloxom writes:
> Karen Sullivan wrote:
> > A year or so ago I talked to Sheila about a gelding she had for
> > sale........she told me all about how her potential trail/saddle horses
> > often get sent out for training on a working cattle ranch........come
> > in 30 days a very well trained, sensible horse.
> >
> Was this relevant to the gimmick thing?
Yes.........because one poster reported that Sheila Varian rode/trained with
> > As far as the old arguments on if martingales are gimmicks; all horses
> > should be able to be ridden in snaffles or rope halters; this stuff is
> > crap! All horses are different and have different back grounds.
> > Some do NOT have the mouth shape or are comfortable in snaffles!
> >
> > Some horses LIKE curbs!
> Who said all horses should be ridden in snaffles or rope halters? Being
> a good trainer is partly about being able to figure out what the horse
> *wants* and then teaching him *his* way. I've never known a horse who
> really *wanted* a running martingale.
I've never known any horse that really wanted any kind of bit! This tired
argument comes up time and time again......the purists say you should only
ride in a snaffle or halter....won't accept any other options and seems the
line you have drawn, is that a well-trained horse should not need a running
This may be ideal, but more theory than practialiy in my years of
Lets put you on one of these well-trained horses, in back of 50 horses
taking off at a trot and canter-can you control that horse every time? Lets
put you in the same situation on a narrow trail on a cliff.
Can't bend or circle the horse to stop or slow down-still want just that
little snaffle?
How many times are you in situtaions like this?
> >
> > Bottom line, no one has the right, or it is any of their business to
> > what I use to ride MY horse!!
> >
> Excuse me, but I have the right to judge anybody for whatever I want.
> If I think they're an idiot because the first thing they say for a horse
> who carries his head too high is "get a running martingale" then I am
> perfectly within my rights as an American. I can also think someone's
> an idiot for not wearing a motorcycle helmet if I want.
This is true, and I guess I can equally find you rigid and lacking in
practical knowledge and common sense.
> AND if I choose to contribute rational training advice based on a
> maximum of empathy for the horse's perspective and a minimum of Stuff
> Attached, I'm sure that there are some people out there who will
> appreciate my perspective. If the other idiots want to go get a running
> martingale because 34 people from Ridecamp emailed them and said that
> was The Cure for High Headedness, then they're perfectly within their
> rights.
> But I don't have to respect them for it.
You are the one showing no common sense, for you don't even know the horse.
> > Frankly, I have seen many more horses that could benefit from one, than
> > have seen abuses from them!
> It's not about abuse, it's about having *things* attached to the horse
> to fix "training problems" that are really about a rider who needs to
> look more closely at the way they ride and understand more about the way
> a horse works.
Still, with SOME horses, the simple, soft snaffle is just never going to
cut it.
> I thought we were all done with this thread.
Why, just becuase you declared it done?
Come on out to Calif. and re-train my big nasty mare to go only in a nice,
soft bit. Take however long you want..........then lets go out on the trail
and test your theory.
I may have equal years with horses, but not nearly the letters after my name
as you; and doubt I have ridden as many horses.........but I have
rehabilitated horses people were afraid to ride, and made them safe for
children to ride on the trail, up to leaving their home or buddies
And take to heard the words of one of the great ladies and horsewomen I have
every run into,
Julie Suhr, excuse me for paraphrasing, but it was something to the effect
that every horse/rider combination is different and you do what works for
Karen (training the youngster in both a rope halter and snaffle)
> -Abby
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