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Re: RC: Re: Endurance as a team sport

In a message dated 9/13/00 2:32:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< However, since there is nothing in the rules to keep ride management from
 recognizing "informal" teams I am hoping that more rides will support team
 competition in the future.  It's a good start.
In the Mid-Atlantic region CTR's often have team awards. Riders team up & 
sign up at the ride.  Each team member pays $5 (usually, but depends on ride) 
to participate --- the team picks a team name, which is part of the fun --- 
many are very clever.  At the awards, the 1st place team, their clever name 
announced, gets first pick of the team awards (sponges, buckets, leadlines, 
etc) and so on down the line.  It's a great way for the ride to pick up some 
extra $$ and for more of the riders to go home having '"won" something.
I don't believe I've seen it done at an endurance ride, but doesn't seem like 
it would be too hard to figure out the top 5 or 10 teams.

Nancy (part of the Jr & Other-than-Jr team that won muck buckets)

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