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[Fwd: Urgent Message Regarding Boden Canyon]

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Thought you all would be interested.  Please get the word out!!

Vicki Touchstone

ATTENTION Trails People,

I just wanted to make sure that you all heard about the Public Meeting in
Ramona (at the Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Lane, Ramona) at 7 p.m.
Wednesday September 13. The meeting is being put on by the multi-agency
group planning the future of Boden Canyon. It is extremely important that
all trails advocates, including equestrians and mountainbikers as well as
hikers show up to make your point of view known.

Background: Boden Canyon, located north of Hwy 78 and west of Pamo Valley,
is a 2,068 acre canyon owned by three different government agencies - the
City of San Diego, the County of San Diego and the California Dept. of Fish
& Game. Boden Canyon is entirely within the focused planning area of the San
Dieguito River Park. The purpose of the meeting is to find out what kinds of
uses the public would like to see in Boden Canyon. The San Dieguito River
Park has proposed a multi-use (hiking, equestrian and mountain-biking) trail
loop between Boden Canyon and Pamo Valley on existing dirt roads, picnicking
near Boden Lake (in the center of Boden Canyon), primitive (back-pack)
camping in a disturbed area east of the lake, and hiking-only north of the
lake. While the San Dieguito River Park Concept Plan does not propose
hunting, we are willing to consider a compromise to allow hunting in the
northern portion of Boden Canyon, if it can be done so it doesn't detract
from other uses.

Here is why it is so important that all trails advocates come to the meeting
and speak out: The Dept. of Fish and Game has already opened the Canyon to
hunting on all properties they own, but they do not support mountain bike
use OR equestrian use. They do not support the multi-use loop trail concept.
They do not support camping. If you think that these are the types of uses
that are appropriate for Boden Canyon, that these are the types of uses you
think we need in our backcountry on public lands, then please come say so.
If you think that hunting is not compatible with other types of recreational
uses such as hiking, birdwatching, picnicking, etc., then please come say
so. We need your help!

Please spread the word! Trails advocates are needed to speak out!


Susan A. Carter, Deputy Director
San Dieguito River Park
18372 Sycamore Creek Road
Escondido, CA 92025
(858) 674-2270 Main
(858) 674-2275 x 11 Direct
(858) 674-2280 Fax

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