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Re: RC: RE: RC; Chiropractors
In a message dated 9/12/00 4:51:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
kathy_mayeda@atce.com writes:
<< I have also witnessed a "chiropracter" off the track,
which is probably what ti is really hot about. This
guy I would consider a quack. He did a lot of
"deep muscle massage". I also heard that this same
guy was promoting putting needles into a horses vertebral
spaces to put air in between vertebrae! Scary. Run, run,
run when you hear something like this. As far as I
know this guy has no formal training or certification
in anything, except he is a former race horse trainer.
Then he disappears for months, people say he owns a
restaurant in Missouri and stories like that, and
reappears again..... >>
Kathy, we have a cowboy "chiropractor" here as well that sure resembles
that--except I've never known him to do any injecting of anything. And boy
howdy, I've sure seen him screw up some horses! But it is quite a leap in
logic to compare him to the DVM chiro or the DC chiros with training to deal
with quadrupeds. Sorta like "Doc" on the snake oil wagon and your competent
family practitioner being considered on the same plane...
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