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Re: Re: RE: Chiropractors
Heidi wrote:
>Your MD relies on the same communication, yet your vet performs diagnostics
on non-speaking animals all the time. Yes, our communication is less than
perfect in some ways--and yet better in others, because animals do not lie
or exaggerate or understate or say what they think we want to hear, the way
that people often do. A DVM chiropractor uses the exact same skills of
observation in dealing with chiropractic cases that he/she does when doing a
lameness exam or any other sort of physical exam--poke, prod, pinch, feel,
observe... >
Ah, if you are talking about a DVM chiropracter, then it's a different
animal entirely. I thought we were talking about those wacky quacks who
rock up at the barn, claiming to be chiropracters, and indicating that, by
placing this little block of wood over the offending vertebra, and hitting
it with a hammer, they can knock it back into alignment. And, yes, they are
out there.
>>Sure, we listen to the owners as well, but the the REAL communicator here
is the horse--who tells volumes by his posture, body language, way of going,
and reactions to what we do. Whoever said that
verbal communication is the only game in town?>>
The vet will also look at x-rays, bloods, etc, before taking my horse's
foreleg, turning it at a ninety degree SIDEWAYS angle to his body, and
throwing him across the stable.
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