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Re: RC: haylege
We had this on my grandfathers dairy farm...Great
for cattle bad for horses. Produces lots of gas in
intestines which can cause sever colic.
--- Sandy Bolinger <bolinger@bigsky.net> wrote:
> Not sure I'm spelling thiscorrectly---does anyone
> have any experience with haylege???? Several years
> ago when we put up over 600 tons of hay...the
> weather just wouldn't cooperate(lots of rain) so we
> put about half of it up as haylege....round baled it
> while it was still wet then put each round bale into
> a giant white plastic bag that was closed up so no
> air could get in...then in a few weeks it had turned
> into this kind of slimy stuff called
> haylege---cattle LOVED it...Horses did too but it
> made me nervous so I only gave them little hand
> fuls...My husband tried to convince me that it would
> be great for the horses...now we've got a neighbor
> who is trying to get a second cutting of
> hay...pretty much straight Timothy and Orchard
> grass....they raise high dollar cutting horses...my
> husband is trying to convince her to put it up has
> haylege...makes her nervous too!...anyone know
> anything about feeding it to horses???????
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