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Re: RC: Cannon Bones

At 09:25 AM 9/12/00 +0000, Ruth wrote:
>I am looking at a 4 year old 1/2 arab gelding to purchase for endurance. 
>His cannon bone is 7 3/4".  Will this increase in size once he reaches 
>maturity or is that about it.  I was hoping to find a horse with a 8" 
>cannon bone as I've been told anything less will break down over time if 
>you do serious endurance competitions.  He is 15.l h.h.

Don't know who told you that, but if it was true there'd be a lot more 
broken down legs than there are if it was true.  Cannon bone circumference 
(actually the circumference if the whole leg including cannon bone, tendons 
and the rest) has got to be proportionate to the whole horse. I doubt there 
will be any further growth in the diameter of the gelding's bone, but 7 
3/4' is great for his size if it's proportionate to the rest of his 
body/bone.  Lif

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