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Fw: Re: Re: Training ride today

Sue wrote:
>>I will add here to *post* your trot (or 2-point) as much as possible
>(except gaited horses, or course ;-)) on a green/young horse, at least
>nearly all of the time...and always post the trot on ANY horse (except
>gaited) when you first start a riding session until they have had a chance
>to warm up and lift (start using) those back muscles.  You should feel them
>lifting the back up and rounding before you do any seated trot.  When you
>*do* sit, keep your seat light...and if you start to bounce, go back to
>posting.  Continue to sit "light" during the walk and canter -- do this by
>pushing your weight into your heels and spreading more of it along your
>thighs and not your seat bones.>
>Of course.  Absolutely.  AFTER you have first walked your horse on a long
>rein for ten minutes, in a light seat, allowing him to "walk out" any
>stiffness.  And when you first begin to post, you should do so with your
>horse on a long rein, encouraging him to lower his head, round his back and
>bring his quarters underneath him.
>Don't you just love being a smug DQ?

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