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Re: RC: strange telephone call
This brings up something that has bothered me a bit. AERC sent out a
directory of all its members to all its members (who else?). I was
never asked for permission to have my phone and address published and
distributed. I'm not so bothered that is as I am that I wasn't asked
if it was okay. Did anyone else find that curious?
P.S. A friend of mine received a similar call recently.
--- Joy H Mahler <joym@visi.net> wrote:
> I had the most strange telephone call tonight. A man called and
> introduced himself. He asked if I owned Orion. I said yes and he
> asked if I wanted to sell him,that he was looking for good
> endurance horses. I told him no that I was not interested and he
> said "Really?, at any price?" I said not at any price. And he
> again questioned my answer. He said why? and I told him that he
> just wasn't for sale. He asked how old he was and I told him 18
> and he chuckled and said that he WAS a bit old to sell. That
> wasn't the point but to him it said it all.
> He called from the 302 area code and I think that is New York or
> New Jersey, but I was amazed with the call. I have never had a
> stranger call my home and ask something like that. Then he asked
> me if I knew any one that wanted to sell their endurance horses, or
> if I had any others I'd sell. I said no to both.
> Anyway consider this a heads up, I have no idea how he got my
> number but assume he was calling people that are currently in the
> Endurance News regional standings.
> Joy in Virginia
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