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RE: Re: Training ride today
At 12:23 PM 9/11/00 -0400, Karen Webb wrote:
>I don't like to use alot of aids and gimmicks when training young or green
>horses, but I have found that the running martingale is an invaluable tool
>when used correctly.
This statement right here is the *key* -- "used correctly"! The vast
majority of the time that I have seen the running martingale used, it has
been used incorrectly by people inexperienced in training (and even by some
that claim to be professional trainers (!)), which is why I don't like to
see them used. I pointed out, to those that were with me at the last ride,
someone who was using the martingale correctly -- and that this incidence
was a good illustration. The horse's head was not being pulled down by the
martingale...it was adjusted so that there was no action unless the horse
threw his head up to an extreme height -- mostly a safety issue at that
point. It was not there to bring the horse's head into a "down"
position...ie forcing him into a frame. I see most often the latter so I
was pleased to see this example.
Nevertheless, during training rides the martingale should be eliminated as
a tool for training. If the horse is so wound up and excited as to need
this safety device during a training ride, there's something critical
missing in that horse's training and he needs to go back a few squares. As
a safety issue during the excitement of a competition, adjusted correctly,
they can be used without changing the action of the bit and causing
improper muscle development.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
ARICP Certified Riding Instructor
Recreational Riding II, Dressage I
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