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Re: RC: EN Sept issue
Hi Maryben,
I also agree with some of your points in the September article of the EN.
Although I have only done a mere (2) Limited Distance Rides in my Endurance
career, it just seems plain silly that endurance is divided at all. You are
right, we are all in the same sport. Many 50+ miler endurance riders will
contest and say that Limited Distance is not endurance. Who is to say what
endurance really is to someone or a particular horse? It is like saying that
the Special Olympics is not truly the Olympics. We all know that nothing
could be further than the truth. Everybody has his or her own capabilities
(limited or not). You or your horse may face limiting factors in their
endurance career, and that may mean that it now takes every ounce of effort
just to go 25 miles. Believe me, I know. Once, I badly damaged the
ligaments in my right ankle. This may sound stupid to some, but I was
literally going crazy from months and months of not being able to ride
Endurance. I was determined at all odds, despite my doctor's strict orders,
to stay off of it, and rode a 30 miler anyway. I tell you what, at that
point in my life, that was all that I could do. It took all the endurance I
had to go 30 miles. My sanity was curbed for the moment, but this ride was
much more physically challenging for me unlike any 50, 65, or 80 miler I've
ever done.
I haven't done Limited Distance since. For me the reasons are I now have
horses that can easily handle 50 mile + rides, and I can presently handle it.
I will admit that in the past I have been in dilemma's with myself over the
fact of should I just ride my green horse in the 25 miler and get no
"endurance mileage credit," or just enter in the 50, and pull at lunch if I
have any problems (since I am not technically getting endurance mileage
credit anyway). As I look back, that is sad, we shouldn't have to feel this
way. Endurance is endurance. Endurance has completely different meanings for
everyone and every horse. Some horses are low maintenance and an absolute
dream to ride in 100's, while other horse's for whatever reasons struggle to
go 50 miles. We are all doing the same trails at our own individual paces
whether we are entered in the 25, 50, 80, or 100 miles. I am sure that the
high mileage endurance riders would agree that a few " limited distance "
rides per year for the rider that normally does 50 miles+ is not going be a
threat to their points or standings. So what is the problem? (Uh oh , did I
just open up a big can of worms?)
I also want to commend you on your article.
Robyn Levash
& Wiley Coyote
Remember us? We camped next to each other at the Bridgeport ride and your
horse kept getting bored and untying himself. I think you and I were the only
fools to ride 2 Greenies with only (4 months under saddle) in such an
incredibly hard, treacherous, but beautiful 50 miler. Hey I didn't know the
ride wasn't particularly GREENIE horse friendly, did you? It was great!
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