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Re: RC: RAIN needed - not endurance related but please read

Sigh.  Please add us onto the prayer list.  I sure don't want to spread the 
prayers too thin, but we've had only 2" of rain since last 
January.  Ranchers have been selling off their herds for several weeks 
now.  They've been feeding cattle for months - on range that normally is 
green and lush beginning in July.  As our neighbor rancher said yesterday, 
he's pulling his cows off the allotment next to us to save the grass, but 
doesn't know where to put them, since there's no grass anywhere else around 
here either.  This is not happy news - these are his breeding cattle, not 
the ones he planned to sell.

Does anyone remember that drought they had in the Amazon rainforest a few 
years back?  I read in a newspaper that 5 shamen went there to do their 
thing, and within 24 hrs it began to rain.  I got chills down my spine then 
and I still have that reaction now.  So think rain - in Texas and here in 
western NM!  Lif

             Lif & Paul Strand  STRAND ENTERPRISES
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