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EN Sept issue

We just got our EN Sept issue and I just finished your article.
I am having a difficult time finding the words to describe my thoughts about 
what you said. Wish I had Mr. Ivers way with words. But being an East Texas 
country boy my thoughts do not come out in words correctly sometimes.
Maryben I applaud you and your words. What you said could not have been any 
better and I strongly believe and agree with everything that you expressed in 
the article.
Regardless of who we are (all the way from  Darolyn Butler-Dial and Steph 
Teeter to people like myself), how we approach the sport, how much money we 
have or do not have, and what our goals are for the sport, we are AERC and we 
all strive to do what we can for the good of the sport and our horses. Some 
of the people in this sport do, in fact, have a larger impact then others 
i.e. Steph and her accomplishments in WEC to the accomplishments of a LD 
rider like myself who finishes with a sound horse not always a winner (as a 
matter of fact very rare) and a good feeling about what we have done and how 
we have done it. 
If some of the changes you discussed in your article ever get close to 
becoming a reality I would be the first to be there to support it  (do not 
know if it would do any good but would try).
In  closing I would like to say that you will probably be receiving lots of 
flak about your article from the die hard "real endurance riders" and in my 
opinion it will not be deserved. It took a lot of courage to write that 
article, especially in light of your opinion of the entire Limited Distance 
program, and you  should be commended.
Sorry to ramble so much but just wanted to thank you for writing the article.
Take care and Thanks
Bill Proctor

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