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Trees with berries
Hi everyone again. Here in Ohio, I have another problem once again and you
all seem to come through with answers. In my new pasture, which by the way, I
bought chicken wire to put vertically on the trees to prevent chewing, (thank
you for all the advice I got) I have 2 trees approx. 15 feet high I'm not
sure about. The trees produce some hard reddish yellow type of round berries
that turn blue this time of year. I bought the book "Horse Owner's Field
Guide to Toxic Plants" and I didn't find it in there but am still worried.
The berries fall to the ground. Also, I found in the book and in my pasture,
yellow bristle grass and red clover. Now, would the bristle grass be so
poisonous that I have to worry? And, what about clover that's in hay? I don't
get it. Why would it be poisonous but it's put in hay? Am I missing something
or am I just a worry wart? Someone please set me straight. Deb
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