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about nutrition....
Since we seem to sorta be on the subject of nutrition, throw I'd through
this in---EN has asked me to write a regular monthly column on nutrition for
endurance horses, the first of which will be in October's issue. Nothing as
long or excruciatingly detailed as the last few full-length articles have
been, just some short Q&A---what's the difference between feeding this or
that, is this true or not, how much of this can I feed, how will this affect
performance, etc.
I already have some questions to answer for the next few issues (October's
is already done and gone), but it would be helpful to get an idea of what
sort of questions everyone might be interested in having answered.
Obviously, I'd prefer general questions rather than topics that would
pertain ONLY to your own horse, and I'll probably pick out ones that can be
answered in a few paragraphs, the others I'll possibly set aside for full
articles later on.
If anybody has any suggestions or ideas, please answer *privately* so we
don't clutter up the list. :-)))))
Susan G
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