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Re: RC: saddling problem
In a message dated 9/8/00 10:39:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
guest@endurance.net writes:
<< The problem I am having is that when I try and put the saddle on him. He
freaks! Goes sideways and backwards. Acts like he is scared of the saddle.
Once the fight is over and the saddle is on, he seems to be fine. What
causes this? >>
Melanie, your post doesn't have a complete e-mail addy, so will have to
respond just to RC. Somehow, somewhere, your new horse has been scared
and/or hurt in the saddling process. What he is exhibiting is avoidance
behavior to protect himself from being scared and/or hurt in a similar
fashion again. You need to spend a lot of time with this horse, getting him
to relax and accept the saddling routine. It is hard to give specific
suggestions without more information, but in general, some suggestions
include simply having the saddle THERE when you do other things with him
(grooming, picking feet, etc.), going all over his body gently with grooming
equipment and then saddle pad as he can accept it, round pen training to get
him to accept YOU and that you will not hurt him, etc.
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