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Re: RC: Re: Mold on grass hay
Thanks for all the feedback on this issue! Here's what I got back after
forwarding all your emails:
>I don't know how long I'll be able to stay online tonight since there's
>lightening all around us - so,
>please accept this 'group thank you' for your opinion about the
>questionable hay. (Lif: A special thanks
>to you for going to all the trouble of asking your other friends!)
>My gut feeling was not to feed it, and you all reinforced it. (I returned
>a bale to the guy I got it from and picked up a few more bales - that
>looked perfectly fine on the outside - you don't know it's moldy until you
>break open the bales - and some of them are just fine. He told me,
>"sometimes they're dusty from the pollen" - I broke open a random flake
>that happened to have a clump of mold in the center and told him, "this is
>not pollen - this is what mold looks like.")
>I was prepared to buy 3 tons of grass hay from this guy, but I'm going
>elsewhere. I hope he's not allergic to 'pollen'!
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