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I was in a tack shop t'other day, and overheard this conversation in passing:
"My horse is looking a bit thin"
"Feed him beer"
My immediate reaction was "brain dead moron" so I politely interjected and said "Excuse me, but can you tell me why you want to feed your horse beer?"
"Because it works" was the hoity-toity response.  Sigh, try another tack:
"Yes, that may be so, but why does it work?"
"I don't know".  Not much help there, but as the good twin was once in control, I steeled myself and  persevered:
"Um, what is in beer which would cause a horse to put on weight, and have you considered that there might be something in it which is bad for the horse?"
"Don't be silly : it works, simple as that".
At that point, I could feel evil twin beginning to stir, so finished my tea (herbal, therefore not responsible for insomnia) and left store.
However, I can't get this conversation out of my mind for two reasons (well, three if you factor in the insomnia):
1.  How can any human being be so stupid as to agree to put something in their horse's food without first investigating it fully.  What is next : Rat Poison as cure for colic???????  A friend did something similar recently - her horse has broken out in hives, cause unknown.  Some bespectacled old tart at a show says "Feed him 2 kgs of oats per day, it sorted out my horse's hives".  And yes, 2 KGS of oats, not 2 scoops, 2 kilograms.  A Lot Of Oats.  Does my friend, who is otherwise relatively bright, question this advice (apart from discussing with vet, who in typical fashion says "well, try it and see")?  Nope, she just adds the 2 kgs of oats.  Needless to say, little obvious effect on hives.
2.  Does this work?  The beer, not the oats.  And if so, why?  And are there any detrimental side-effects (apart from obvious ones, like alcoholism, drunkenness and gas) which I can gleefully point out to moron next time I meet her (evil twin in control again!)
Currently doing way too much venting.  Possible post-exam-pre-results stress, aggravated by too much caffeine and not enough sleep? 

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