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extruded feed
Is it just my horses or has anyone else had troubles getting their horses
to eat extruded feed? I tried to feed my horses the extruded feed but to
no avail. Only two out of the four would eat it. So, I switched them to a
higher fat pellet which I add water and beet pulp to every night and they
all slurp it up. Kim
> Benefits relative to sweet feed:
>Lower glucose/insulin spikes-less peak and valley effect
>Less chance of mold in hot weather
>Soak into a wonderful mash consistency when water added
>Can get virtually any combination of fat/fiber/protein nowadays
>Horses can't sift out ingredients (though it's easier to sift out additives
> if pellets fed dry)
>Can get higher percentage fat into the extruded than is practical with sweet
>Deteriments relative to sweet feed
>Danger of choke if fed dry and horse a greedy eater
>Can't tell what's in there-need to rely on company quality control (only
> buy from reputable companies)
>Extruded, especially, tends to be more expensive
>Often less palatable than sweet but that means the horses eat them more
> a possible benefit.
>Sarah and Fling (love that extruded feed, Mom)
Have a great day!
Kim in FL
Rockofello (1/2 Arab, 1/2 Saddlebred)
Premier Jetset (Arab)
Mountain's Miss Emily (TWH/SSH)
Watchit Buster, (Paint)
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