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AERC Ride Results

Hi Kathleen:

I am wondering about the importance of complete and accurate records in the 
ride results.  What I am asking is whether it makes a big difference to you 
if the numbers are all filled in.  I am so tired of asking the riders for 
their numbers because they are too lazy to fill them in.  Some of them act 
all mad because you asked them.  They also don't fill out their weight 
divisions a lot of the time.  I always hold out the packets that are not 
complete and ask before giving out rider cards.  However, from my results you 
can see that a lot just don't bring them.  Then they grudgingly say they will 
call and let you know.  I have decided that I am not their mother.  If their 
records are screwed up, tough.  However, if it is a hassle and problem for 
you, I will continue to ask.

I am going to go strictly by the book from now on, however.  I will not let 
someone vet the horse in because the rider is not there yet and trust that 
the rider will pay, will sign the entry, etc.  Also, I am going to have to 
start asking for rider membership cards because we are getting stiffed too 
many times and having to pay because they are not up to date members.

Now that I have vented, I think I will copy this to ridecamp as fair warning 
for the Quicksilver ride.  See the above.  Also, if your entry is not 
postmarked on time, you will pay the late excuses.  It is not the 
ride's responsibility to get the entry in on time.

Let me know about the numbers and such though.  Because if it is not a 
problem for you, I will just quit asking and assume that the rider doesn't 
care either....

See you.


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