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Re: Re(2): Re(2): RC: RE: AERC & International & FEI
>exam overload ... humm... did you preload with enduralytes... no ????
that's the reason :)
Nope, I drank coke, which was a bad idea as I'm a bit ADD at the best of
times, and the coke sent me into a spiral of insomnia, coupled with periods
of panic, complete with cold sweats. I still haven't slept, and anyone who
wants to talk to me practically has to scrape me off the ceiling.
>vitriolic terms... not in english... not able... in french if you want, but
there is no reason!
Oh, goody. You mean I made sense! But you can talk to me in any time,
Leonard, provided you apply the appropriate deep, husky accent.
God, I need sleep!
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