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winning mentality.

Kat wrote:
>>And the next time you make deliberately inflamatory statements
with the intent of getting your "opponents" to "abort thought"
we can all just jump straight to the end by saying the same thing,
and let you have your "win.">.
Hi, Kat.  At the risk of opening myself to some flaming, I must confess that (on other forums, don't think I've done it on RC) I am guilty of "deliberately making inflammatory statements", but my reason is simple : it is to separate wheat from chaff.  The responses I receive generally determine whether I should become embroiled in a debate with the person concerned, or simply pen a polite reply along the lines of "thank you.  We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view" and move on.  I don't like to debate with people who use emotion to put their point across, but have no problem debating with those who are, how should I put this, somewhat abrasive? because, with the latter, you usually get to the gist of the discussion without pointless emotional ramblings clouding the issues.
It also serves to illustrate whose posts can safely be deleted without the necessity of reading them first, and whose should be read, perhaps answered, and often stored away for future reference.

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