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Re: RC: Re: Feeding A Young Horse

At 08:34 PM 09/06/2000 -0700, Karen Sullivan wrote:
>Which LMF?

Endurance Ener-G.

>Okay, what exactly is Fat Pak?  Is it better than feeding oil?

It's made by Milk Specialties.  I asked my feed dealer if he could order it 
for me, and he did.  It is a white powder -- pure fat.  Susan first told me 
about it a year or so ago because I wanted to make sure Rocky held weight. 
He did 1335 miles last season, and is up to 805 this year.  He is really 
finicky about oil -- any more than 1/4 cup and he'd refuse to eat.  It's 
really much easier than oil, and it doesn't spoil.  I only gave it to him 
for 6 weeks and now he maintains a healthy weight without it.  His first 
season he always looked drawn up after a ride, and now when he comes home 
(his 4th season) the neighbors have to ask me "which horse did I ride" 
<bg>.  Of course, when my vet showed up this a.m., he had to ask when was 
he due.  <sigh>


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