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EN articles
I finally got my new EN. I know others are probably still waiting.
Maryben, nice article. Interesting concept. I want to hear what Donna
thinks! <G>
The story about the horse falling out of the trailer is horrific, and
really bad timing since that just happened here this weekend. Different
outcome :+{
There is an article on conditioning/getting your horse ready for Tevis. I
don't exactly agree with what is in it, and was just interested to see what
others say. (ti?)
The author says to do a 5 day (250 mile) ride the month before
Tevis. Obviously, this person hasn't ran the stats to see that most people
who do that don't complete Tevis. So not advice I'd follow. But besides
that it says that all your conditioning should end one month prior to the
The article also says to feed your horse all it wants during the last four
weeks (before the ride). If I did that combined with resting the horse for
a month.....<shudder>. Maybe this is why they have so many problems at
Tevis? (and if Weaver got fed all he wanted -- of just HAY...he'd be a
blimp inside of two weeks!)
I've known that a high body condition score (say a 5 or 5.5) gives you a
much higher chance to complete Tevis. But adding "plenty of fat" (on the
horse) is probably not something we should strive for the month before
doing a 100 ---- is it? I don't feel that my horses @ 5 or 5.5 (or yes,
even 6 <G>---we're dieting)......were fat -- they were just really fit and
in good condition. They carry that all season.
Happy Trails,
in NV
& Rocky, 3,015 miles
& Weaver, 3,305 miles
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