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Re: RC: This Sport as a Sport

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000 15:30:25 EDT writes:
Yes, there are two divergent views of endurance riding, as I’ve pointed
out before. There are those who view it as competitive and those who view
it as recreation only… 
I believe competition leads to higher achievements, finer-tuned goals,
better performances in all aspects of life. I know that is true for me.
You either deliver the best, or you lose…

Tom, please note the existence of the THIRD CATEGORY, comprised of those
of us who gratefully benefit from the knowledge gained from those of YOU
WHO ARE going for the gold.

I am a pleasure-trail-horse trainer/instructor who, over the years has
‘visited’ multiple horse disciplines, seeking new ideas and new ways to
improve my skills.  The two ‘disciplines’ that have taught me the most
are dressage and endurance.  

The benefits derived from dressage are obvious to most.  However, few
appreciate that the endurance community is an absolute gold mine of
cutting-edge knowledge that can be of immense long-term benefit to the
active pleasure horse as well as the equine athlete. 

Think about it.  Do you remember when the INDY 500 added a fuel
restriction to the rules of competition?  The top competitors immediately
focused vast financial and intellectual resources on developing better
fuel conservation technology, to everyone’s ultimate benefit.

I believe that the endurance community is going down a similar path. 
Those that argue for a more conservative approach to endurance racing
will continue to influence the rule-makers to raise the fitness standards
for the horses (stricter criteria, etc).  Those who are tireless in
seeking that competitive edge, will respond with new and better science
in equine nutrition, medicine, conditioning, saddling… and they will keep
on winning. 
Most of us ‘lurkers’ really do appreciate the hound as well as the hare. 
We are listening and absorbing.  Don’t hold back!  Please keep arguing
with great passion.  It is essential to progress.
PS…  Tom, I would have jumped at that job post if I were younger than my
46 years, and if I were willing to give up my Cabernet with Saturday
dinner <bg>.  The discipline and the learning opportunity would have
been…  well, you know.      
All the same, would love to see you at work one of these days.


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