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Re: The Winning Debate
In a message dated 9/6/00 6:40:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
bolinger@bigsky.net writes:
<< and exactly where is the substantive value in either of these posts??? >>
Didn't claim there was any. The point is that Mr. Ivers frequently calls
names, takes cheap pot shots, and makes emotive attacks--usually following
posts of considerable substantive value that don't happen to fit his
gimmick-of-the-moment. This is really sad, as Mr. Ivers often DOES have
things of substance to say, but they get lost in the non-substantive garbage.
It just gets old when the King of non-substantive invective accuses others
of emoting just because he does not "get" the substance of what has been
said. As for Mike Sofen's comment about the gems that are lost--a great many
simply don't post here, because they are tired of engaging in a pissing
contest when trying to discuss matters of interest to endurance riders. Too
bad--it is those seeking knowledge who are the losers here.
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