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Re: RC: RE: Re: The Winning Debate

In a message dated 9/5/00 9:03:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< <  Cheap potshots of no 
  substance whatsoever debase the Ridecamp coin of the realm. Which is, the 
  development of information.   >>
 THUD!!  TI said that?????  Remember that, everybody, when he starts slinging 
 around his vitriolic potshots...
 Heidi >>

I always respond in kind. I suppose you believe the post above is substantive 
and polite. You take a lot of hits, and keep coming back for more, though. 
Got to give you credit in that regard. A glutton for punishment. Notice, 
though, that I always give you the last idiotic word--always stop short of 
causing a nervous breakdown. That makes you a WINNER every time!  Show a 
little gratitude.


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