needing advice
I have a 5 yo mustang he is 14hh and weights 950lbs he ran wild till he was a
4yo and i adopted him when he was prossesed we started training and three
months later i started some endurance type training but first to ansewr some
of the vairables i live in the slightly rolling hills just above atlanta I am
5'2" tall and weigh around 130lbs total riding weight is around 155-165lbs
dependind on which saddle i ride,we ride a lot on the roads and i trailer up
to the mountains once a week.
Basicaly i ride for two days and then turn out for two days alternating
between 10-20 mile rides (walk/trot) .5 mile interval gallop/troting
sand,and mountain .my question is I plan on starting some limited distance
next year and hope to biuld up to biening competitive in hundreds in the next
6-8 years how should i or should i change my training to accomplish my goals
thank you for your responces in advance
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