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Re: RC: packing for a multi-day

At 09:55 PM 09/04/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Do you bring it all with you or bring some and then
>refill later during the ride from local sources?

Local sources?

Where do you think we have these rides anyhow? <VBG>

Just bring two bales (100+# or larger) of hay (for a 3 day -- just 1 horse, 
right?) and a bag of grain (or advantage), and one or two five gallon 
buckets of pre-mixed bran mash or beet pulp, etc.  It's not really all that 
much.  if you move camp each day then you'll need all that hay, if you are 
in the same camp the whole time then you might get by with less. Better to 
have more and not need it tho.  I always plan on each horse eating at least 
30# of feed a day, and remember to plan enough for your travel days too.

Don't forget your rain gear!

k (still drying out from this weekends ride!)

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