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Re: Update on crooked legged foal

Nelson trims mares and foals for a Standardbred breeder.  Last weekend they
had their annual yearling sale.  I think I have posted before about the two
foals with crooked had the periosteum scrape and the other did
not.  They both were trimmed very religiously to keep those legs straight.
The one that did NOT have the scrape was the sale topper at $14,000.  <sigh>
I think I am in the wrong business!  :)  Also, to drive home the importance
of baby trims, there was also a foal born backwards this spring...hind end
was awful.  EVERYTHING was crooked on him.  4-5 months later, you now have
to look closely to tell which one he is in a group.  Nelson started trimming
him almost from birth and he gets better every time.  I have to start taking
pictures of these kinds of things to drive my point home with all our
clients...I can't believe how many of them have been told (by farriers and
vets) that they do not need  to trim a baby's feet until they are 6 months

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