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Re: RC: winning mentality was reply to Tom Ivers re: re FEI

In a message dated 8/31/00 5:35:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, CMKSAGEHIL 

 << 1 a : to get possession of by effort or fortune b : to obtain by work : 
EARN <striving to win a living from the sterile soil>
  2 a : to gain in or as if in battle or contest b : to be the victor in <won 
the war> >>
 Thank you, Tom--glad to see you can read the dictionary.  And this backs up 
what I said--if "getting possession of by effort or fortune" is winning, then 
obtaining a completion if that be your goal is a win for sure.
 As for getting second if your goal was to get first--for once we agree, that 
makes one a loser.  However, since that is NOT the goal of most of the folks 
at most rides, and since most of them DO obtain their goals--as in "getting 
possession of by effort"--then most of them ARE winners.  The error here is 
in the assumption that all share the same goal that you do, and are out to 
possess the same thing.
 Heidi >>

You and Little Billy Clinton have a real problem with words, don't you? 


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