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Re: RC: Re: reply to Tom Ivers re: re FEI

In a message dated 8/30/00 12:22:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Tivers writes:

<< first off, getting into a competition with an "iffy" horse is an "iffy" 
proposition. No matter how slow you go. While it is deathly boring to work at 
home over terrain your horse is familiar with, slogging out those boring 
miles with no human companionship, no campfires, no entertainment at 
all--this is the life of a true conditioner of equine athletes. The life of a 
horseman.  >>
I don't consider having 4 vets (one Norm Rantanen) giving the green light to 
compete him "iffy". Ooh they wouldn't like THAT at all! Milers? Just where 
would YOU oh great one suggest bringing ANY horse back from injury, illness 
or even bringing a young horse up? Approving his competing in a 25 miler does 
NOT open the door to another distance yet. Why in the world do you think 
people DO 25s?  Obviously you missed the point altogether - which is that not 
every rider on every horse is either compelled or oriented toward coming in 
first in all or even any event. I  guess all those solo miles have preyed on 
your social skills - explains your insulting demeanor to anyone who doesn't 
fly with your covey. sheesh! 

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