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Re: RC: FEI Endurance

In a message dated 8/29/2000 8:00:17 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

<< Ah, but what about the so called endurance rider who is making a "50 mile 
 wonder" to have a product to sell to the Sheik with tons of money?  >>

They really only want horses that do 100's.  I use to be concerned about the 
riders in the UAE and they way I had heard they were running horses into the 

I competed at the 1999 Cosequin Challenge and there were two riders from the 
UAE there.  They had leased horses and took very good care of them.  One rode 
in the front of the pack, the other rode in the back.  The one in the front 
won BC at the ride.  I was glad to have ridden with these two men.  They 
showed me that you can not believe everything you read or hear.

There are bad riders here in the USA, just like there are bad riders from the 
UAE and from other countries.

Let people who want to do FEI do FEI, it really is not that much different 
than AERC or more difficult.  Let the people who want to do just AERC do 
AERC.  There is enough room in this sport for everyone.

Debi S
Chevalier Farms

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