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Re: Our first "real" fire in years

We had a kind of clear day a few days ago---One of the plumes of smoke from
one of the smaller fires in this area was 35,000 feet tall---on top of this
35,000ft high plume of smoke(we call them atom bombs because that is exactly
what they look like)was a huge cumulus cloud---that much smoke, that high in
the atmosphere makes it's own weather...just absolutely breathtakingly

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: RC: Our first "real" fire in years

> I know it doesn't compare to the big stuff up north, but here in ranchette
> this was a major deal:
> About 30 acres of pasture and scrub burned Saturday, not even 1 mile from
> house.  Five different pieces of property affected.
> Fire looks to have started on the shoulder of the road (cigarette?
> converter?), miraculously missed a tired old church (hate to be ugly, but
if it
> was insured, it might have been better to let it burn than wait for it to
> down on the congregations heads) and attacked the pasture land where I
> ride.  Took two counties worth of semi-regular FD and volunteer FD to
> and supress.  Missed all barns and houses, but only just.  Had about 30
> before it would have hit a barn with a house right behind that.  Also
seems to
> have slowed considerably when it hit several heavy tree strands (you know
> kind that grow up on fence rows after 20 plus years)
> The weirdest thing was I didn't even know it was there for the longest
> There was no breeze to blow the smoke.  I was in the pool and thought I
> a wiff of woodsmoke.  So I put on some shoes and walked all around,
checked out
> the back wood, the neighbors.  No fires so I went back into the pool.
> later Dad came home from the store and asked why we had no gone to help
with the
> fires!  Changed into heavier clothes, grabbed some old blankets, rakes and
> shovels, filled the water drums in the truck and headed out.  The fire was
> in hand when we got there, just stood around talking with other
> volunteers.
> -Tamara

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