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Re: RC: Mares and Poop
I own three mares, am currenly boarding two more, and one stallion at my place.
All six horses have their prescribed 'poop points' they'd rather use.
Thankfully, they tend to like the same areas, so the three in one pen use
the same place, the two in another use theirs and the stallion has his very
own private bath.
Might be that your mare is used to living in a larger paddock and being
able to poop wherever. Mine only use their favorite spots when in the
small turnout pens near the barn and don't seem to have favorite places out
in the main 15 acre paddock.
Tara Wheeler
"She is the virgin harlot. She is vulgar, witty, knowlegable to a depth
that terrifies, cruel when she is most kind, unthinking while she thinks,
and when she seeks to build, she is as destructive as the corriolis storm."
Bijas from 'Dune Messiah' speaking about Alia and harpy@io.com
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