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RE: Quarter/Arab Crosses
I own and compete an Arab/QTR cross mare, we've finally made it up to 50's
now. She has the bad attributes of the QTR horse breed, butt high, long
back, small feet. All obviously bad traits. She is sharp as a tack, has good
recoveries and is tough. I know what you mean by wanting an all-around
horse. If you could get an Anglo-Arab with good feet you might like that
cross. Arab/App crosses can sometimes be great, again avoiding the poor feet
and downhill build. Another possibility is the Arab/Trakener cross. The
Trakener's are one of the lighter warmblood breeds with lots of Arabian and
TB in their bloodlines. There is one that comes down from Canada
occasionally that I would trade my husband for. Again, GOOD feet are where
you start. Arab/Walker can be nice. However, there are Arabians out there,
Russian and Polish lines, that were bred for generations for racing that
could really work for you. I've seen some that I was sure were Anglo/Arabs
because of their long hips and streamlined racy builds. Many tall
individuals. By the way, not all Arabs jump like Arabs, stiff back, head
high, legs hanging, pogo jumping straight up. From my experience that tends
to be a trait in short backed, round barreled Arabs. My 15.2 hand PB mare
jumps very round and lifts her knees nicely. Very nice jumper. Course, so
does my long backed cross-bred. Take your time and look around.
Bonnie Snodgrass
-----Original Message-----
From: guest@endurance.net [mailto:guest@endurance.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 1:09 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: Quarter/Arab Crosses
Diane Hutchinson dan_hutchinson@msn.com
I am interested in purchasing a horse that can serve multi-puposes. I am
new to the sport of competitive trail riding (not horses) but know that
Arabians are the horse of choice. I have a long background in
hunter/jumpers and no experiene with Arabians. I am also 5.8" and 160 lbs.
Can a Quarter/Arab cross be healthy and successful in this sport? (I have
no ambitions to do 100 milers, but 25s, maybe a 50?). I'm thinking a
Quarter cross will give me the size and disposition I'm looking for. Does
anybody have recomendations for me from experience?
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