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Re: FEI Endurance

I have no doubt you are right, and a 'professional' circuit should
necessarily change the amateur circuit. There are a lot of golfers, tennis
players out that enter tournaments, but only a few aspire to the
professional ranks. But I also see the potential for serious problems. How
does one referee a 100 mile course through the woods. As money increases,
there will a good deal unsportsmen like conduct that will be difficult to
police. The vetting standards are going to have to get much tougher
(hopefully, better as in more objective as well). At the professional level,
the vets are going to have to recognize that a horse will need to not only
be fit to continue, but fit to continue in a competitive fashion. No one is
riding 'just to finish'.

Duncan Fletcher

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
> This is what I see, too. Should the sport become an Olympic sport, the
> will accelerate dramatically. It is not logical to expect otherwise. But
> then, logic isn't a strong point of this group.
> ti

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