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Re: RC: RE: trees

In a message dated 08/27/2000 8:21:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< One question for you. Every one is concerned about old growth trees. If we
 had nothing but old growth, where would the new trees come from to replace
 the old ones as they die? And they do die from many non-man causes.>>

An interesting bit of information about trees, especially since we live in 
the coast redwood region......There is so much talk about global warming, 
which is caused by buildup of carbon dioxide, and it is acknowledged that 
trees take in CO2, while they discharge oxygen.  It is this exchange that is 
so beneficial to animal life, including humans.  What many do not realize is 
that the very old trees, though absolutely magnificent to see, are not making 
an efficient exchange of CO2/Oxygen.  They are elderly, and it is the young, 
vigorously growing trees that are making the REALLY efficient exchange.  
Therefore, it is vital that healthy, vigorous, YOUNG trees be a major part of 
the forests in order to cleanse the air.  Trees do die of non man-made 
causes, as Bob says...from bug infestation, from lightning strikes, from OLD 
age, from storm damage....
I see proper selective harvesting, and proper forest management, as a two-way has the use of this wonderful resource to help house and 
shelter him, the forest re-growth helps cleanse the air.  It seems like a 
win-win situation.  It's also a winning situation for the wildlife, because 
contrary to what some believe, deer and birds and other wildlife do not 
thrive in a heavily overstoried forest.  There's no sunlight, no small plants 
(forbes) that the deer eat, and not even the insects for the birds.  Birds do 
not like deep dark forests.  People who oppose forestry don't understand it, 
they don't like the temporary appearance of a harvested area, they don't like 
the status quo disturbed, and often are simply quoting, and re-quoting the 
same stories they've heard over and over from the doomsayers.  What this 
country needs is an education program for people who don't, at the present, 
really know what's going on and how it's done in the forest industry.

Off my soapbox now....

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