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unwilling trot out

When it is time to do  a trot-out with my horse, whether it be pre-ride, 
post-ride, or at home just for the heck of it, he will not willingly trot.
It takes him a good 5 strides of putzy walking and then maybe he will go
into a half-hearted trot.  It brings down his impulsion score every time.  I
was thinking of practicing at home with someone standing behind him ready to
give him a smack on the rump as soon as he appears to not want to go.
Hopefully, if done enough times, this will condition him to go right into a
trot when I ask.  Anybody have any ideas if this will work?  Thanks!


Justice-When you get what you deserve
Mercy- When you don't get what you deserve
Grace-When you get what you don't deserve

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