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WEC Team stats
OK, this is what I do at this event, providing I am given information.
If not for Ken Ayala, I would get NONE!!!! My companion, Ed Paige, wrote
a great DOS program that figures team standings at the touch of a key
(all that is needed is Pulse times - of which I am getting few and not
on a timely basis yet). Anyway, this is how it stands based on the
information I have received:
USA is in the lead by 24 minutes with the UAE 24 minutes behind. I have
not been given times on the French TEAM riders, only the individuals.
They were only 6 minutes ahead of us at VC one. Getting VERY little
information on pulled horses..... The third place team (so far as the
times I have been given) is Australia (56 minutes behind USA), followed
by Great Britain (1:07 behind) and Spain (1:10 behind).
More to come.....start photos now posted at: http://usa-east.org
Teddy Lancaster
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! We will be away from August 11 through September 1
at the World Endurance Championships In Compiegne, France.
1348 Township Road 256
Kitts Hill, OH 45645 USA
1-800-533-2327, FAX: 740-533-0337
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