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Light weight truck and trailer
I towed a Brenderup trailer with a 6 cylinder Explorer for almost 10 years
and I only experienced trouble with swaying and control problems when there
was alot of traffic and semis on the interstate esp. 3 lane interstate, I
would just stay in the far right lane and go slowly. I do live in flat land
and only ventured to hill country on occasionally, so I'm no judge of
mountain or snow conditions. I now have a 3/4 ton p/u with a camper and
bumper pull aluminum with huge dressing room and electric brakes and I can
say by comparison that the surge brakes in the Brenderup were every bit as
good if not a little better than those on this new trailer. All in All ,
the Brenderup is a great little trailer for what it is, a highly engineered
piece of equipment for those of us who couldnot afford a huge pickup truck.
But... You just never know when the dicey conditions or hilly terrain will be
upon you and you wished you had spent the dough for the big rig that holds
the road. Also, my Brenderup cracked and rotted in the ramp and the
repairs weren;t cheap. I live in the south so I dont think they were
intended for wet conditions. Even the Brenderup guy in Texas told me that.
It IS a good way to start out and then upgrade when you get a chance, or just
drive slower wherever you go. * that is probably always a good idea anyway.
Sorry for such a lengthy post, Hope it helps someone.
Paula and Cosmo the wonderhorse
and Rockin' the understudy
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