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here we go
Steph Teeter steph@endurance.net
Finally... it's been a tough couple weeks. Kruschev vetted in. not
100%, but ok to start. We'll take it a loop at a time. He had some
pretty serious bruises/corns and it's mostly cleared up, but still
some residual soreness. Comes and goes. First lameness for Krusty,
bad timing!! The US team is Darolyn/Albanet, Connie/Smoke, Rita/Cass
and Marcia on Ramsz (Darla is in quite a bit of pain, wanted to give
Ramsz a chance). Saamson looks great at this point, but his bouts of
tying up made him a little greater risk so Marcia agreed to ride
Ramsz. Valerie is riding Charbiel, and Jan is going to ride Timmy.
We're calling this week 'As the stable turns ' :)
The US team looks GREAT!!! Fast and fit and ready.
I'll post more when I can, still an awful lot of events and emotion
to digest. It has been a most incredible experience - not exactly
what I had envisioned... but the support, help, friendship has been
far greater than I could have imagined. Talent, dedication, heart.
Everyone has their own personal experience. For me, it has been about
understanding the depth of caring that goes on at these events, about
mental toughness - how to ride the emotional highs and lows, stay
focused, stay positive, understand the circumstances - the truth,
but don't give up the battle. It ain't over till it's over.
later -
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