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Re: RC: Mustangs

In a message dated 8/23/00 5:22:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< John Lyons would be dragged up and thrown rocks at.
 my intentions were to begin with the current owners in working them and 
 showing them gradually in two lessons per week. Their handling capabilities 
 have been mostly touched when fed. There are two horses. >>
Well that's a shame they would laugh at John....I just got a range raised two 
year old stud colt from Idaho (not a BLM horse, but a Moyle that had never 
been touched), and had him halter broke and ready to ship to Fla with 3 1/2 da
ys of John Lyon's methods. Sounds impossible right? Not so, I'm serious. I 
had the use of a round pen, and did most of it in the first day. By the 
second day i was touching him all over, and by the third day I had a halter 
on him and was leading him. He's now at home and has never even run from me 
once while catching him- he doesn't know how...
Please write, I'll offer any help I can.
Becky in Fla

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