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Re: Best maintenance of osteoarthritis in a long distance horse?

Thought I'd share an interesting case in our neck of the of our
clients has 2 problem horses (ex-race horses, both QH).  Besides the worst
possible feet imaginable, one has had ongoing hock problems.  The other was
diagnosed with navicular.  She sought out more opinions and possible
solutions from "experts".  One guy checked the joints...said they were dry.
Apparently he used a needle to do this.  At first he injected something into
the stifle joint (can't remember what, the purpose of which was to irritate
the joint into speeding healing or something like that??).  He subsequently
injected either Adequan or Legend or something like it directly into these
"dry" joints.  Very, very expensive treatment.  The navicular horse is now
sound though they are told they may need more shots in the future and she is
on supplements.  The one with the hock problems has improved dramatically
and his current unsoundness is due to frogging around in his paddock and
cutting himself!!  It appears this may have been the solution for both of
these horses.  I don't know.  I personally don't think I would have it's very costly.  There's no guarantee but what you might need to
have it done often and then again maybe only once a year.  I am curious if
anyone out there has heard of this and what other opinions are of this
procedure.  Vets, do you think it's a solution or just prolonging the
inevitable for these horses?  Oh, both of these horses were purchased for,
have been worked in and are expected to continue in dressage.
Maggie Mieske
10601 S. Richards Rd.
McBain, MI 49657

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