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Pain killers (was: RIDING WITH WRIST IN A CAST)
Tracey wrote: Just thought I'd share one of the "remedies" my crazy
polo-crosse playing buddies use before a match : take one sachet of bute
in a tot of brandy. Shake head. Go "aaaaaarggghhh" in typical cave man
fashion. Pick up stick, leap on horse and off you go.
You will feel NOTHING for the next 24 hours. After that, you may be a
tad sore.
And a tad dead.
Bute can cause aplastic anemia in humans. It causes your bone marrow to
stop producing red blood cells. Forever.
Twenty years ago, when phenylbutazone was still labeled for the
treatment of human arthritis, I used to take a small amount (less than
one quarter of a "horse tablet") after, say, a 100-mile ride. It worked
great & I felt no pain -- then we learned about the irreversible side
effects. Needless to say, bute is no longer labeled for use in people.
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