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Rocky Mountain Horses- clearing up misinformation
Jenny Drumm JDrumm930@cs.com
Posted by Rachel Boyce; Sat 5 Aug 2000:
>>They would be good horses except that a HUGE percentage of them develop cataracts and other eye problems at a very young age (2year olds and under)<<
This information is NOT correct!! The percentage is small, they do not get cataracts, & they do not develop after the horse is born. I have just bought my first Rocky, after doing considerable research on them. Some Rockies do have a genetic disorder of the eye, which is also found in a number of other breeds: Shetlands, Miniature breeds, Bashkir-Curlies, Naragansett Pacers & Haflingers. It is simply a failure of some of the tissues of the eye to develop normally in the fetus. It does seem to be related to the Silver Dapple gene which produces the chocolate color with flaxen mane & tail. The disorder is called ASD (Anterior Segment Dysgenesis), & is present when a foal is born. It is NOT progressive- the way the horse is born is the way it stays. Most Rockies are not affected, some have a lesser form of the disorder, known as cysts, & some turn up with ASD. Even ones with ASD are VERY rarely blind or even show any sight problems. Rocky breeders have been very cooperative & anxious to clear up any false stories.
If you can get a copy of the article in Equus, it will shed more light on this (I'm sorry, but I don't know which issue it's in, I don't get Equus; a friend copied it & sent it to me; it is a very recent article, though) In the article Dr David Ramsey, the veterinary opthalmologist heading the study, states that the incidence of blindness in Rockies is actually LESS than it is in various other breeds he's studied.
You can also go to www.naturalgait.com & look around that site for more info on ASD & Rockies in general. It's a very informative site.
Everyone I've talked with who's had anything to do with Rockies just loves them! The breed developed in the mountains of Kentucky, where sure-footedness & a calm, willing attitude are a requirement. They are valued for their trail-worthiness, good sense, stamina & smooth gait. They love people & the babies are "in your pocket" at an early age, wanting to be around humans, and enjoy being handled & worked with.
Jenny Drumm
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