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Alpha mare
Hi Kim...
What a wonderful predicament you are in with your girl! My mare, who was my
partner for 14 years until May when I had to put her down when her kidneys
inexplicably failed, was exactly the same way.
I started out in competitive trail with her at the same age as your mare.
She was feisty and always wanted to be out in front. Like you, it was a
constant battle for me. It ws exhausting! Here's what all the very
experienced riders told me:
When she wants to pull out in front, let her get in front...then make her
really work. Every time she starts to slow down, kick her on. Make her
understand that being in front means WORK! My mare soon learned that being in
front wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. She also learned how to LISTEN
to me. From then on, our bond really began.
When we started doing endurance, her competitiveness was valuable, but she
knew that she would take her cues from me about speed. She knew that when the
footing was safe, I loved the speed as much as she...but she always took care
of me no matter what the terrain.
I will never forget the feeling of freedom and oneness that resulted from
our understanding of EACH OTHER from those days.
I envy you...I would give anything to have my friend back and to experience
what you are about to learn with your mare.
Always remember one thing that many people told me..."Ride your own ride."
Nobody knows your mare like you do.
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