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Re: virussssss
The only 'virus' that has been frequenting ridecamp is the kak worm. I have
posted innumerable times this virus is made possible by a bug in OE for
which Microsoft created a patch long before the kak worm was created.
Despite these warnings, a whole lot of folks apparently have not downloaded
the patch. If you have downloaded that patch and you have your security
settings right, you won't get the worm. May I suggest instead of waiting for
Steph, go to Microsoft's site and download and install the patch
(http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms99-032.asp). Then even
if the e-mail comes from some source other than ridecamp (like your mother -
yes she can inadvertantly send you an infected e-mail), you are protected.
And while you are at it, download the other appropriate patches that
Microsoft has released. Go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ and click
on Product Updates. The ones labled 'critcal updates' generally involve
security issues and should be downloaded. While for the most part, the
security holes these patches plug have not be exploited, they can be. Most
by websites, a couple by e-mail.
Duncan Fletcher
----- Original Message -----
From: "Annie George" <ageorge@vtc.net>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 4:31 PM
Subject: RC: virussssss
I have just decided to deleet all and not even open any ridecamp untill
Steph comes home, and gets her new V controll up, It just isnt worth all
the trouble. Annie
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